Road Trip Romance

Megan and Wendy expected a green screen in “Road Trip Romance” but didn’t see the “Single White Female” angle coming in this new Hallmark movie. Listen in as they recap the absolute ridiculous series of unfortunate events and the Renaissance Faire overkill-eth in this movie about getting to the alter in time.

Tell us what you thought about “Road Trip Romance” by emailing us at [email protected].

Megan and Wendy review "Road Trip Romance" starring Natalie Hall. This one was a weird movie. Stranded in Denver, Megan rents a car to get to her sister's wedding on time but ends up road tripping with her biggest high school rival. Fine, that sounds like a Hallmark movie until a bridesmaid tries to further sabotage Megan getting to the alter on time. #HallmarkPodcast #HallmarkMovies #HallmarkMovieReviews #NatalieHall #CoreySevier #HallmarkOriginal #JohnsonProductionGroup
New podcast episode: Megan and Wendy review “Road Trip Romance” which premiered on the Hallmark Channel on May 14, 2022.

Girls Gone Hallmark has a new home!

We used to be a bonus episode under the Long Story Short with Megan and Wendy banner. Now, Girls Gone Hallmark is its very own podcast! We would love it if you would follow us over there and leave a review! New episodes drop weekly!

Hallmark Channel News!

Great news coming out of Hallmark Channel:

News and Notes for “Road Trip Romance”

  • This film was primarily filmed in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  • Reports suggest that production took place in the fall of 2021 (did you notice the pumpkins on the porch of the tow truck driver?)
  • We talk about acquired Hallmark movies during this episode. Since the recording, we’ve learned that this movie was indeed made by Johnson Production Group and Hallmark Channel acquired it.

Where Have We See Natalie Hall?

  • Natalie Hall plays Megan in this movie.
  • She has 38 credits listed on IMDb, including “UnREAL” and “Pretty Little Liars.”
  • We’ll also seen her in the following Hallmark movie, which we’ve reviewed.

Summer Nights are Ahead!

Did you notice the promos for Hallmark Summer Nights? As soon as we have confirmation on the Summer Nights line up, we’ll give you our first impressions.

Until then, see what’s on for the rest of May.

Do You Have a Favorite Hallmark Guy?

Grab one of our limited edition Dudes of Hallmark shirts before they are gone!

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