Right in Front of Me

Megan and Wendy recap and review Hallmark Channel’s “Right in Front of Me.” This is the very last movie in the Spring Fling line up and stars Janel Parrish and Marco Grazzini. But first, don’t even think about skipping through the beginning of the episode because the girls have a lot to say about an email they received regarding last week’s podcast. Woah boy.

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Megan and Wendy recap and review the new Hallmark Channel movie called "Right in Front of Me." #Hallmarkies

Mentioned in this Episode:

What’s Next Now that Spring Fling is Done?

Did you know that the Girls Gone Hallmark bonus episodes were supposed to be a limited run? Hallmark Channel keeps churning out the new movies, so we’ll keep recapping them. Next up is Cindy Busby in Hearts Down Under also starring Tim Ross. This movie premieres on Saturday, April 24, 2021. Don’t miss our recap and review available on Thursday, April 29th.

You might also like: A review of “Hearts in the Game” starring Marco Grazzini

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